Position Title: Math Grader & TA
Department: Mathematics
Number of Vacancies: 1
Work Location: Penn Hall
Purpose of Position: Grading homework for courses such as Math for Leaders, Math for Elementary Ed, and Discrete Math. Holding study sessions and helping during class time can also be considered.
Description of Duties and Responsibilities: The primary responsibility of this position is to grade homework submitted by students for various math courses. There may also be opportunities to assist during class sessions or hold study sessions in the evenings.
Required Qualifications: Math or Education major who has been successful in the course or have the content knowledge of the course they are grading for.
Work Schedule (Days & Times):
Hourly Wage: $10.00
Employment Start Date: 01/30/2024
Employment End Date: 05/01/2024
Job Supervisor & Contact:
Breanne Garrett
(641) 673-1120