Steve Rittgers, M.S.
Instructor of Computer Science

Steve Rittgers has been instructing computer science courses for William Penn University since 2014. He believes in Penn’s mission to utilize technology to enhance the student learning experience. He continually searches for new ways of incorporating modern advancements in his classroom, such as interactive textbooks and adaptive learning systems. He has worked closely with individual students and academic coaches of those students to make sure everyone is given a fair opportunity for success in his classes. Professor Rittgers enjoys participating in the yearly trip to the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium with students of the Applied Technology division. In past years, the group has traveled to Atlanta, Kansas City, Memphis, and Seattle.
- B.S., Civil Engineering, Iowa State University
- M.S., Computer Science, California State University
- Algorithms and Programming
- Database Management
- Data Structures/Algorithm Analysis
- Training Practicum
- Web Programming