Mauricio Nunez
Assistant Professor, Biomechanics and Exercise Science

Professor Nunez specializes in motion analysis with a focus on injury prevention and increased athletic performance. With the use of the motion analysis laboratory and exercise physiology equipment, he is both teaching the concepts in class and applying the teachings to the William Penn athletes for injury recovery, prevention, and increased performance. Professor Nunez enjoys the diversity on campus and believes in the importance of learning through a multimodal approach. He applies teaching methods with a hands-on approach to human motion analysis and exercise physiology. He understands that learning is accomplished in various ways and distributes knowledge accordingly. He believes that students should absorb and comprehend the concepts being presented, with the end goal of applying it to their professions. “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never work a day in your life.” M. Twain.
- B.S., Audiology / Speech Language Pathology, University of Texas at Dallas
- M.S., Exercise Science / Kinesiology, University of Texas at Tyler
- PhD (ABD) Biomechanics, with minor in Mathematics and Computer Science, TWU
- American Society of Biomechanics
- American College of Sports Medicine
- European Society of Biomechanics
- International Society of Biomechanics
- Biomechanics
- Human Motion Analysis
- Exercise Physiology
- Sports & Exercise Nutrition
- Exercise Prescription
- Sports Nutrition