Weekly Tasks (either Tuesdays or Thursdays)
1. Provide full carboys (water carriers) in every laboratory weekly. They should be labelled as to which lab they belong. Training required.
a. Penn Hall 205
b. Penn Hall 207
c. Penn Hall 311
2. Clean and maintain eyewash stations weekly. Record each cleaning on the clipboard provided.
a. Penn Hall 205
b. Penn Hall 207
Daily Tasks (any day)
1. Clean and dry glassware. Sort and store in the appropriate bins either in the lab or in the storeroom (Penn 204).
2. Put dry chemicals in the correct spots in the storeroom (but not on Thursdays – those chemicals are being used in the current lab exercise).
3. Put liquid chemicals in the correct spots either under the fume hoods in 205 or 207 Penn Hall or in the yellow flammable cabinets in Penn Hall 207.
a. Acids and bases belong under the fume hoods.
b. Organic liquids belong in the flammable cabinets.
4. Tidy-up, students tend to leave garbage on the benches and in the bench sinks.
5. Turn off all balances and scales.
6. Make sure that all gas jets are in the off position.
Special Tasks (as they occur)
7. Prepare solutions for upcoming laboratory experiments. Directions will be provided.
8. Drawer Project. Using the drawers and cabinets in Penn Hall 205, clean glassware will be sorted into properly labelled drawers. Eight drawers per bay need to have beakers, graduated cylinders, Erlenmeyer flasks, test tubes, stir plates, rods (stir rods, thermometers, pens, pencils, markers), ring stands (in cabinet), clamps (utility, screw, pinch), funnels, and so forth.
Animal care
9. Feed and water the mice every other day, minimum.
10. Change mouse litter at least once per week. |