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April 29, 2020

Message From the Vice President of Finance

Thank you for your patience as the University works through the changing landscape of higher education during COVID-19.  We have had many discussions over the last several weeks regarding the undue financial hardships that the University and our students have endured because of this pandemic.  With additional financial resources coming from the federal government for institutions and its students, we are grateful to provide additional streams of funding to students for unanticipated expenses.

It’s important to understand that there are two different categories of relief that we will be able to provide students.  This includes:

  • Residential Adjustments – Applicable to students living on campus at the time we released for Spring Break and did not return to the residence halls after the decision was made to resume classes remotely; and
  • CARES Act Funding – Applicable to students scheduled for face to face (f2f) classes the second half of the semester and finished the semester with remote learning.  These students also must have been eligible to receive federal financial aid for the Spring 2020 semester.

Students in the first category will receive funding in the form of a Residential Adjustment on their student accounts.  More information about this relief category will be provided to impacted students in a forthcoming email.  The goal is to have this adjustment posted to student accounts no later than Friday, May 8.

Students in the second category will receive an allocation of funding established by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This is designed to go directly to students for unanticipated expenses incurred to complete the remainder of the spring semester with remote learning.  Students receiving funds in this category will receive additional information about this via email by the end of next week.  Our goal is to have this money distributed to qualifying students no later than Friday, May 29.

Depending on your circumstance, you may receive support from one or both categories.  Please continue to watch your William Penn University email account throughout the remainder of this semester and the month of May to ensure you don’t miss any critical information related to this matter.

If you have initial questions about the Residential Adjustment, please contact Heidi Scholes, Dean of Students, at or Ashley Wagamon, Student Account Officer, at  If you have initial questions about the CARES Act funding, please contact Ashley Wagamon at


Update From the Academic Dean

I write to share two Spring Semester policies meant to support you as this crazy semester concludes.

Policy #1: Last Day to Withdraw from courses that began face-to-face but moved online

The deadline is FRIDAY MAY 1st – 5 p.m. We have extended this deadline to support you because we know you did not choose to complete your courses remotely, online. We are working to support you as best we can. However, before you choose to withdraw, consider the benefits of the student-friendly option in Policy #2.


For courses that began face-to-face, then moved online, you may apply to receive credit for one or more courses instead of taking a low grade. Read the policy carefully. Some of you will benefit by taking the grade, others will benefit by taking the credit.

Step 1 – Complete each course this semester as best you can.

Step 2 – Review your semester grades via your student portal (not Moodle). Grades will be available beginning May 14.

Step 3 – Decide which courses, if any, you prefer to take the credit option rather than the grade.

Step 4 – Complete the application form on the Student Portal under the Tab – Forms.

Step 5 – Submit your application by May 22, 5 p.m. to the Office of the Registrar, Include your cell number!!!!

Step 6 – Wait patiently while we review your request.

Step 7 – We will contact you at the number you provided, to review details with you.